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Buy Chanel Online

The popular online shopping website FarFetch and British retailer Selfridges also have pre-loved sections which are great places to find vintage Chanel bags. FarFetch and Selfridges guarantee that the items are genuine Chanel items, so you can shop with confidence!

buy chanel online

Another possible explanation for a larger online presence is the pandemic. This event was a big driver for previously e-commerce-shy brands to embrace the practice (at least to some degree). Hermès is a good example of one such brand.

If you love the iconic Parisian style of the Chanel brand, you may want a pair of the designer glasses to complete your look. There's good news: You can now buy Chanel glasses online at as well as at select optical shops.

If you're a Chanel brand loyalist, you may have lamented about how hard it can be to find Chanel glasses. You'll be happy to know you can now buy Chanel eyeglass frames online exclusively at You can then take them to an authorized optician to have them fitted with prescription lenses.

It can be challenging to buy glasses online without physically trying them on. The Chanel site offers a virtual try-on tool that allows you to activate your camera and "try on" Chanel glasses offered at

Shopping at Chanel is an experience. To this day, you cannot purchase Chanel ready-to-wear, bags, or jewelry anywhere online (with the exception of consigned pieces not affiliated with the brand). The design house is notorious for giving IRL customers a luxurious look into the world of iconic handbags and french craftsmanship (with a glass of champagne, if you're a serious buyer, too). But with most of us sheltering in place and brick and mortar stores receiving limited traffic, it only makes sense for digital doors to be opened. To create a more inclusive platform, Chanel is opening up its virtual boutiques to sell eyewear for the first time ever in the United States. This is the second fashion category to launch on the brand's e-commerce site, following sunglasses. We love to see it.

To match Chanel's opulent in-store encounter, buying a eyeglasses online is almost better. Its site allows you to quickly narrow down your search with easy filters to find the right frame, shape and color, and you can virtually try on any pair you like without a sales associate looming in the background.

This policy is only applicable to purchases made online via the CHANEL E-SHOP website. For purchases made in-store at a CHANEL Fragrance and Beauty Counter or a CHANEL Fragrance and Beauty Boutique please refer to the original place of purchase to obtain a return.

Now, as the pandemic accelerates ecommerce as a mainstream norm, Chanel is one of the last luxury brands refusing to sell online. During an era when you can buy a mansion on the internet, why is Chanel lagging on what seems like a no-brainer sales channel?

Is your heart set on a Chanel product? Are you looking for a well-known classic or a one-of-a-kind collectible? Customers are wary of purchasing Chanel products online due to worries about their genuineness. With this information, you may buy real Chanel designs online with confidence.

The grand-daddy of online used luxury sales, Fashionphile launched in 1999. The team worked hard to become one of the leading and most trusted second-hand stores online for luxury handbags. The site offers pre-owned handbags from virtually all the popular luxury brands, including Balenciaga, Céline, Fendi, and Christian Dior.

Launched in 2011, The RealReal has physical stores in New York and Los Angeles and is also a leading online luxury resale site. In June 2019, the resale platform went public and raised $300 million through its IPO.

Launched in 2009, Parisian company Vestiaire Collective is a seasoned cornerstone in the ever-expanding pre-owned luxury goods market. Boasting an online community of more than 23 million fashion lovers around the world and counting, Vestiaire Collective is the destination for those in the know.

1stDibs features listings from trusted sellers, all of which have been handpicked and authenticated by in-the-know experts. The resale website sells thousands of high-end pieces, from affluent fashion to fine art to designer decor (it is one of the best online furniture stores, may we add). And whether you choose to buy directly or bid at the 1stDibs online auction, you always leave this resale website très excited.

Founded in 2013 by a duo of French entrepreneurs, Collector Square is a European leader in the online second-hand market for luxury bags, watches, and jewelry. With the help of an experienced team of curators, Collector Square carefully selects and verifies each and every item sold on its website.

Founded in 2011 in Dubai, The Luxury Closet is a leading online boutique in the Middle East for buying and selling pre-loved luxury items. The resale site offers a large inventory of designer handbags and clothes, luxury watches, and popular jewelry brands (Think: Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Van Cleef and Arpels, Cartier, Rolex, and more.)

The Luxury Closet can count on its team of 80 experts to provide excellent customer service and build trust with online shoppers. Everything sold on the site is guaranteed to be 100% authentic so you can buy designer handbags for less with confidence. The site even has a dedicated VIP concierge service in the UAE and Riyadh for sellers who would like to sell eight items or more.

Have you ever considered buying a vintage Chanel bag? Well, it has not been high on the list of my shopping priorities as I always preferred fresh-out-of-the-box items. However, a few years ago I was desperately looking for a small Chanel flap bag in navy blue with a golden chain and at the time the colour was unavailable in boutiques. As my mind was firmly set on the navy classic and no alternative would do, I decided to explore other options and, somewhat reluctantly, directed my search at the online second-hand luxury market in hope of finding the coveted bag.

While the buying of a vintage Chanel bag seemed like a great idea at first, I soon realised that there were a lot of traps along the way which made the process not as straightforward as I originally anticipated. Eventually, I ended up with the bag of my dreams but the journey was, by no means, plain sailing. On the flip side, the first encounter with the pre-loved designer goods market has taught me a few valuable lessons about buying vintage online and this is exactly what I would like to share in this post.

Nowadays a large number of second-hand transactions in luxury goods are taking place over the internet. While the ease and convenience of buying goods online has its advantages, the lack of face to face interactions and the inability of the buyer to verify authenticity of a product directly has inadvertently created a field for exploitation by sellers of counterfeits. And it goes without saying that it is virtually impossible to gauge from an ad alone if a product is genuine.

It is relative what one person considers as good and another one as a very good condition. This is why, when buying used designer pieces online, always ask the seller about the appearance of the bag, any flaws, internal or external to ascertain how much wear and tear the item has been exposed to. It also makes sense to request additional photos showing areas of concern, for instance corners or the interior of the bag. While marketplaces such as Vestiaire verify that goods are as described prior to forwarding them to the buyer, it never hurts to be extra cautious and inquisitive regarding imperfections of an item which is being purchased online.

While some may be enchanted by the fact that a Chanel vintage bag has its history, the truth is that the older the bag the heavier the signs of usage. This is not to say that every vintage bag will always be heavily weathered. However, a classic vintage Chanel bag from the 90s in a good condition will never have the same look and feel as,for instance, a 10 years old bag. It may sound obvious but when buying vintage online one should manage expectations and be prepared to receive a well-used item even though it may be a used item in an overall good condition.

During this pandemic year, brands and fashion houses of every sector and calibre have had to come up with unprecedented solutions to at least partially offset the losses caused by lockdowns and store closures. In this context, Chanel has always been an exception. The historic French Maison in fact sells online mainly beauty and skincare products, fragrances and sunglasses, while for accessories and clothing it prefers to focus exclusively on in-store sales. A strategy that the brand has been pursuing since before the start of the health emergency, and which has remained unchanged in all these months, never suggesting a change in this sense. The question then remains: why doesn't Chanel have an e-commerce site?

With over 43 million followers only on Instagram, with a profile filled with exclusive and interactive content, Chanel doesn't shy away from online presence, and the advantages it offers, but everything it produces and publishes is born with the desire of always standing out, to achieve always something different than the others. There was the partnership with Farfetch, for example, of which Chanel owns a small stake; the pop-up with Net-a-Porter in 2015; the digital events hosted by Sofia Coppola reserved for top clients during the pandemic months; and a five-star product delivery service has been introduced. Perfumes and beauty products, which accounted for 36% of Chanel's total revenue in 2019, are largely distributed on the brand's social media channels in China. Over the last few days, the brand launched a new app, Lipscanner, dedicated to beauty, in which augmented reality and face recognition allow customers to try (virtually) the brand's products. 041b061a72


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