What is Ilmu Alamiah Dasar and Why is it Important?
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (IAD) is a term that refers to the basic concepts of natural science. It is a subject that aims to help students understand the nature of reality, the origin and diversity of life, the structure and function of the universe, the sources and conservation of natural resources, and the role of science and technology in human development. IAD is not only a theoretical study, but also a practical one that encourages students to observe, experiment, analyze, and communicate scientific phenomena.
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IAD is important for several reasons. First, it provides students with a scientific literacy that enables them to appreciate and evaluate scientific information and issues in their daily lives. Second, it fosters students' curiosity and creativity that can inspire them to pursue further learning and careers in science-related fields. Third, it cultivates students' awareness and responsibility towards the environment and society that can motivate them to contribute to the sustainable development of the world.
There are many sources that can help students learn IAD. One of them is a book titled ILMU ALAMIAH DASAR by Bramianto Setiawan et al. [^1^]. This book contains 13 chapters that cover various topics related to IAD, such as human cognition and its development; the evolution and advancement of science; myths, reasoning, and knowledge; Earth, solar system, and universe; biodiversity and its distribution; natural resources and environment; science and technology for life; technology development; environmental pollution; and environmental issues. The book presents easy and relevant readings with summaries and exercises. It also offers arguments that can broaden students' perspectives.
Another source is a book titled ILMU ALAMIAH DASAR by Muhammad Kadri [^2^]. This book is also designed as a teaching material for IAD. It consists of 10 chapters that include the nature of natural science; human nature and its curiosity; the origin of life; the formation of the universe; the components of science; the classification of natural resources and environment; the principles and efforts of natural resource and environmental conservation; natural science as the basis of technology development; the implementation of natural science in science and technology development; and biotechnology. The book provides learning objectives, theoretical reviews, exercises, and assignments that can help students master the material.
A third source is a PDF file titled Ilmu Alamiah Dasar by Bramianto Setiawan et al. [^3^]. This file is a digital version of the book mentioned above. It can be accessed online through ResearchGate, a platform that connects researchers and facilitates scientific collaboration. The file contains the same content as the book, but with some additional features such as hyperlinks, bookmarks, and annotations.
In conclusion, IAD is a valuable subject that can enhance students' scientific competence and attitude. There are various resources that can support students' learning of IAD, such as books and PDF files. Students can choose the most suitable source for their needs and preferences. 29c81ba772